Friday, December 9, 2011

How to Repair Xbox From No Video Error - Fixing a Console is Easy!

If your Xbox is showing no video error and you have no idea how to fix that problem then let me help you out with that.

Why are you having Xbox 360 no video error?
Xbox no video error can hit a console due to different reasons. It may also happen if somehow the video chip gets damaged.

Fixing Xbox 360 with Microsoft- the best option?
Microsoft repair center is considered as the only resort for many when it comes to Xbox 360 fixing. For warranted consoles it is better to go for the Microsoft repair center for Xbox fixing. Because Microsoft fixing for a warranty expired machine is very high- something that most gamers find very difficult to afford. If you take look at some sites involving open discussion among gamers regarding Microsoft repair, you will find lot of cases where people had to send their console to Microsoft multiple times to get an Xbox error fixed.

Fixing Xbox no video error at home
Now what can be the other way around to fix the no video error when your Xbox is out of warranty? With the help of a reliable repair guide now you can fix your machine from no video error all by yourself right at your house!

Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Repair Xbox 360 Consoles - Tips to Be Gaming Again in Under Two Hours

By James Philipson 

Learning how to repair Xbox 360 consoles is important for most Xbox 360 users these days due to the high incidence of the dreaded red ring of death. The first tip for finding out how to repair Xbox 360 consoles is to learn what causes the red lights error. 

The answer to that question was probably yes- and it also explains why the red ring of death occurs in the first place. This information has now been put into a number of different Xbox 360 repair guides that are available on the market today.

The video files contained within these repair guides will show you exactly how to determine the fault inside your Xbox 360, then repair it correctly and safely.

In order to safely repair your Xbox 360 console you really need to get your hands on a repair guide.